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- Komfort+ ManifoldQuality & Cost Effective!
- Komfort Brass Premium ManifoldsItalian Brass Manufactured
- Emmeti Topway PlusEmmeti is a large Italian underfloor heating manufacturer, this is the Topway Plus range made in stainless steel
- Reliance Premier RangeReliance Premier Range of Stainless Steel Manifolds
- Manifold SparesFlowmeters, Actuator Pin Valves, Couplings, Ball Valves, Drain Valves, Gauges & More
- Pumps & Control Packs
- Fittings & Repairs
- Manifold Pipe ConnectorsEurokonus and Monoblocco connectors
- Pipe Adaptor FittingsA wide range of various sizes of different Pipe Adaptors & Repair Joiners
- Pipe Repair KitsHave you been cut short or have a hole in your pipe?
- Blank Stop End FittingBlanking Stop or End Fittings
- Blanking Caps3/4" and monoblocco blanking caps
- Pipes
- Floor Fixing Components
- Overlay PanelsFrom as low as 18mm, Perfect for a Retro-Fit
- Castellated Floor PanelsPlastic Floor Trays from 15mm High
- Spreader PlatesFit From Above, Fit From Below, Double & Triple Grooved Plates.
- Pipe Staple Clips40mm & 60mm Clips
- Rapid Fix Clip RailBarbed & Self Adhesive 1m Lengths
- Perimeter Screed Edge Strip100mm & 150mm High Screed Expansion Strip
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- Controls & Thermostats
- SALUS Smart HomeControl Your Heating in a Smarter Way
- ActuatorsBiggest Brands of Actuators
- ThermostatsSmart WiFi, Battery, Hard Wired, Wireless and TamperproofThermostats
- Wiring CentresBiggest Brands of Wired & Wireless Wiring Centres
- Zone ValvesZone Valves & Zone Valve Actuator Heads
- Remote SensorsBathroom Sensors, Plate Sensors, Screed Sensors & Room Temperature Sensors
- Water Temperature Control
- Insulation Backer Boards
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